Products and Technology

Products and Technology

Products and Technology

Products and Technology

Innovative collaboration

At TPC Group, we are committed to producing performance products. We consistently produce chemicals that meet or exceed our customers’ standards. This includes purity, potency, and adherence to specifications. We invest in long-term commercial partnerships, both with suppliers and customers. Understanding and meeting customer needs is paramount. Quality producers prioritize customer satisfaction through clear communication, responsiveness, and flexibility. By sharing our unrivaled knowledge of the markets we serve - from raw materials to innovations that improve consumer mobility - we empower them to stay at the head of their industry.

Whether it is butadiene for use in producing nylon precursor latex, ABS resin, rubber production, PIB, DIB, MTBE, or other gasoline products, we strive to make life better. Our customers depend on our reliability and market knowledge. Investing in research and development is crucial for staying ahead in the chemical industry. We innovate new supply chain practices, improve existing ones, and explore more efficient production methods.


Our customers rely on consistent quality and timely delivery. A reputable chemical producer maintains reliability in supply chain management, production schedules, and customer service. As a global leader spanning more than 80 years, we create value products that drive mobility around the world. Our technical, engineering, and commercial strengths empower us to invest in cutting-edge opportunities. We employ the best people and continually improve our infrastructure to ensure our customers can compete globally.


We are the largest independent processor of crude C4 and a leader in North America across all our major product lines. We serve a wide range of performance, specialty, and intermediate segments, including synthetic rubber, fuels, lubricant additives, plastics, and surfactants. Our agility enables us to adapt to changing market conditions, technological advances, and regulatory landscapes. Our international expertise across diverse markets gives us unique insights to drive maximum value for our customers and reduce their risk exposure.


We are an enduring and dependable company, working creatively in a manner committed to safety, protection of our environment, and respect for the communities we serve for a liveable and sustainable world. We work with our customers to think through their challenges from every angle to reach the right solutions. We prioritize safety at every stage of production, from raw material handling to final product distribution. This involves stringent protocols, employee training, and adherence to regulatory requirements.

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